When I moved to Utah in 2015, I was quickly impressed with how unconservative our supposedly conservative governor was. Gary Herbert , I quickly realized, was nothing more than a reflection of the average Utah voter; Republican and thoroughly status quou, giving lip service to the Constitution while showing absolutely no comprehension of constitutional principles. For years he has shoved common core down the throats of Utah parents. He supported Ag Gag and the violation of the first amendment that goes by the name of SB 54. When time for the 2016 election came and I started to investigate the man, my opinion of him as a generally empty-headed but well-intentioned product of Utah culture was shattered. Gary Herbert is no boat adrift on the seas of Utah. He is a man with an agenda. His support for common core went against everything his constituents asked for, but he shoved it down their throats and spoke soothing words before finally, in the midst of an election, making token signs of ...