Russian Thistle I sent my letters off to Payson City Council candidates last week and have, so far, gotten only one response. (Update: Got another response. See: Interview with Scott Phillips ) I could only find two email addresses out of the four candidates. This seems to be par for the course in Payson. The responding candidate was Taresa Hiatt . My letter was as follows: I am a blogger looking to find out more about the candidates for the available City Council seats in Payson, so I am emailing all of the candidates to find out more about them. What inspires you to seek a seat on the City Council of Payson? How would you describe the job of a City Councillor? What responsibility do you see individual citizens as having in promoting their own welfare, and the welfare of society, and what kinds of limitations you see to that responsibility? If you are elected, how might you be able to act as a check against abuses perpetrated by other government officers? ...