Waterfall at the end of the Grotto Trail. One of the politicians in Utah County that I have been particularly impressed with is Marc Roberts . Shortly after moving to Utah, I heard about a couple of interesting bills that particularly impressed me. These were the Food Freedom Act (HB 144), and Beekeeping Modifications (HB 115). When I got around to researching these bills, I was quite pleased to discover that the legislators who had introduced these bills were both the same person; Marc Roberts. Not only that, but he also represented me. I have rarely had a representative who represented me so well, so I was very pleased to see him quickly re-elected. Here are some of the things he has tried to do this year: HB 123 - Juvenile Offenses Amendments - Jan 2017 - Passed Sought to address illegal sexual activity between minors that currently would been classified as statutory rape. ("Unlawful sexual activity with a minor" - If my reading is correct, all regular sexual ac...