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Showing posts from November, 2017

Marc Roberts and Legislative Roadblocks, Fall 2017

Waterfall at the end of the Grotto Trail. One of the politicians in Utah County that I have been particularly impressed with is Marc Roberts . Shortly after moving to Utah, I heard about a couple of interesting bills that particularly impressed me. These were the Food Freedom Act (HB 144), and Beekeeping Modifications (HB 115). When I got around to researching these bills, I was quite pleased to discover that the legislators who had introduced these bills were both the same person; Marc Roberts. Not only that, but he also represented me. I have rarely had a representative who represented me so well, so I was very pleased to see him quickly re-elected. Here are some of the things he has tried to do this year: HB 123 - Juvenile Offenses Amendments - Jan 2017 - Passed Sought to address illegal sexual activity between minors that currently would been classified as statutory rape. ("Unlawful sexual activity with a minor" - If my reading is correct, all regular sexual ac...

Thoughts on 3rd Congressional District Debate, 2017

A view along the Grotto Trail. On October 13th, there was a debate between some of the candidates for the 3rd congressional district seat. I have been consistently disappointed with all of the candidates for this seat, so it was a bit of a painful debate to listen to. There is one write-in candidate I can't find much information on, but I tend to err on the side of not voting/endorsing when I don't have information to grab ahold of. The debate saw Kathie Allen selling socialist philosophy to Utah's heartstrings. Jim Bennett was highlighting the problems with the two-party system in order to sell his brand of statist big-government politics. John Curtis is the obvious winner of this election, so the debate will make little difference to him so long as he can avoid looking devastatingly incompetent. To that end, he did a pretty good job of not being disagreeable, which made it hard for his opponents to gang up on him. Unfortunately, the debate has another side as...